CJT is equipped with state-of-the-art electroplating lines. Our electroplating lines are fully automated and computer controlled with minimal human intervention. The latest plating and coating technologies are the result of a green and productivity-focused...
Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) nanotechnology is a manufacturing technique where solid metal is vaporized inside a high-powered vacuum. It is then bonded with electrically conductive materials, such as metal. This gives your product additional physical...
As pioneers in the electroplating industry, our innovative method offers superior adhesion, abrasion resistance and corrosion resistance. CJT offers wide range of brushed metallic textures with a high degree of quality and consistency of texture to fulfill...
Injection Molding
CJT is equipped with state-of-the-art injection molding technology. Our molding technology combines consistent process stability with a high degree of process integration. Our closed loop system recognizes changes in ambient conditions, raw material...
Engineering Plastics and LSR
To meet different industrial and market needs, CJT provides enhanced molding services such as Liquid Silicone Rubber and Engineering Polymers for better product performance in different applications.
2K Molding
2K Molding can achieve part performance criteria in situations where a single molded material cannot. Whether your objective is strength or selective plating (or both), 2K molding is the solution. We partner with you at the design stage to help you design...